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CHOOSE THE BLUE PILL...  And you go back to sleep. You wake up each day in your "Alone - Together "world, wear your mask, take your shots, and do the ever increasing things to keep your chip green. All the while, your resources dwindle daily, and you slowly grow sicker, until one day you don't wake up anymore...

CHOOSE THE RED PILL ... And we find out together where this is going to go....

As a father of two young adults I have had to watch in horror as the globalist's agenda unwrapped itself before my eyes. As one fake boogeyman after another was used by the globalists and their minions in the media, and government to scare the vast herds of sheeple into acquiescence. First it was "Mask Up", then, "15 Days To Slow The Spread", and then 30.... And now, over 10 months later, it's Lockdowns, that become more and more draconian each month. Surely it must be dawning on even the dimmest sheep, we are being lied to and manipulated ????

Which is why I have created this list from my last 10 months of research, and also why I will use this blog to bring you ALL the truth I find in my travels. You can subscribe at the top of the page, and you will receive each of my new posts in your email.

I'm 56 years old. I've raised a family, gotten multiple college degrees, owned homes, cars, traveled to Africa to study with shaman. I've developed my own psychotherapy practice, and knocked off most of my bucket list. I will have some tough decisions to make ahead. We ALL will. Younger people, like my children, will have not just hard choices to make, but nearly impossible choices to make. Which is why I compiled the list below. Study it well, and may it help you decide what is best for you to do in your own individual situation...

COVID Tests Tainted with COVID-19 Virus



Why The test is Not Good



The Great Reset



Why People Don’t Want Vaccines



A Doctor Explains What COVID-19 Really Is All About



A Doctor Explains What Is Inside The Vaccine



What Is Nano Technology and Hydrogel



They Want To Separate Us From God



Human 2.0 – What is Transhumanism and the COVID-19 Vaccine



They Want To Enslave Us And Make Us Human Capital



David Icke ::: Stand Up And Say No



David Icke’s Triumphant Speech In Trafalgar Square : Humanity Awakens




  • If you would like to read more about this, I predicted much of it in my book “Awakening”:


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