Warning: Nurses Develop Problems After Vaccination These are nurses who were among the first people to get the new COVID-19 vaccination. See the links below. As you can see these were perfectly healthy people who came down with injuries immediately after getting the vaccination. Many other people will not show symptoms until days, months, and as in my case, years after getting a vaccination. Taking the vaccination is NOT an option. Not just because of the threat of immediate injury, as in the nurses below, but also because of how it is designed to change you, which I review in my previous blog entry, and link with articles and videos. If after reading my blogs, and watching the videos, you need further help, you can talk with me and I can help you find the answers you are looking for. You can find me at: https://www.facebook.com/drkearse/ Nurse Collapsing After COVID-19 Vaccination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtdCC87aRqU