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Lockdown Rollouts : The Cyber Security Prison State

  Lockstep, SPARS, and Cyber Polygon were all designed, decades before they would be used, to ease the global population back into enslavement to a feudal corporate state.. Their plan is to use fear to make you subjugate yourself to a dictatorial state. The same formula used by their families to create Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot....etc... They want you to think this is only about a virus. No, my friends, the virus is only a means to getting them what they want. The real bioweapon is not even the man made virus they put together. The real bioweapon is their solution to the problem they engineered. Their injection ( aka ...vaccine ) was meant to be the weapon from the start, to depopulate the "weak" off the planet, and AI connect and control the survivors as a workforce for The Great Reset. “ Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes the laws”.                               ...
Recent posts

Surviving In A World Of Self Shedding Vaccines

  This topic is controversial because it goes against the main stream narrative. I will therefor stick to only using main stream sources, and the medical advice of licensed doctors & scientists. This will be the information they do not want you to know about. It is not going to be the usual information you are use to hearing. I want you to read it and view the videos with an open mind. Like your life depends on it, because it does.... What are Self Spreading Vaccines ???? The typical vaccines many of us grew up on gave you a little of what you were vaccinating against and your own natural immune system would be used to develop antibodies. This however, is NOT what the Covid-19 "vaccine" is. In fact it really should not be called a vaccine at all, and is only called a vaccine for marketing purposes, or darker purposes, which I have spoken on in my other blog posts. In their own manuals, the government and pharmaceutical scientists call it a "Self Spreading Vaccine...

Mass Death By Deception ( Part 2 )

  TOP SCIENTIST WARNS MASS DEATH FROM THIS VACCINE IS INEVITABLE  It is clear from all the whistleblowing scientists who are bravely stepping forward to warn us: 1. DO NOT GET THE COVID-19 VACCINE. 2. AVOID CONTACT WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN VACCINATED. This is easier said then done. It may mean moving away from family members or loved ones? It may mean changing your career? It could even mean ending a relationship you are in? You will need to treat vaccinated people as if they are contagious, or Asymptomatic Carriers. I'm afraid life will never be "normal" again. To make matters even more difficult, as the death toll rises ( of the vaccinated and the non vaccinated people they infected ), the establishment, their government and media minions, will put increasing pressure on you to get vaccinated. They will blame the deaths on you, the unvaccinated, and enact harsher penalties for remaining so. Reports from the vic...

Mass Death By Deception ( Part 1)

  What Is Nano Technology ???? Nanotechnology is the use of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes. It can be used towards good or evil. While there will be some benefits for mankind, the people in power, have unfortunately decided to use it instead, to extend their power and control.  Today nanotechnology is used by the military, black ops, and financial entrepreneurs to gain advantage over people, races, and for just old fashioned greed. It has also fallen into the hands of the technocratic elite, who are hell bent on using the technology for their eugenic plans to enslave the planet and do away with people they consider undesirable or inferior. Smallpox Blankets Eugenics is not a conspiracy theory. In fact it is an entire field of study. It goes way back to biblical times, and hemlock etc... But more recently, we need only look at how the Native American population dwindled so rapidly after Europeans landed ...

Their Final Solution

  From now on there are only two types of people in the world, the vaccinated, and the unvaccinated. This is all part of a global plan. The plan is an evil one, run by evil people, who want to control every aspect of the world. The world we knew, run with a physical dollar, is being changed to a world run with a digital dollar. A digital dollar controlled by a central authority. A corporate, technological authority that uses artificial intelligence ( AI ) internationally. This new digital world, controlled by a central, corrupt and criminal, authority, will use the AI system to monitor the world. Everything will be hooked into, monitored, and regulated by the AI system. Everything and everyone will be connected to it, including our bank accounts. Everyone will be given a score, that will be color coded. You will need to be a "good" citizen which will be signified by a green color pass, which will be needed for you to work, shop, and move about town. How will they get us to do...

Their Human Killing Machine Has Begun

                                              Their Human Killing Machine Has Begun.... I'm afraid that our deepest fears about our society is true. The thought that the government was spying on you use to be a conspiracy theory. Now we know it's is admitted to be true. Equally, the thought that the government is trying to enslave you, and even kill off the oldest and weakest among us, is said to be a conspiracy theory. If you are brave enough to view these articles and videos below, I will prove to you that they are in fact true, and are even worse then we ever imagined... 1. Thinking About Getting The COVID-19 Vaccination ....?????  2.  ALERT ::: 1,716 CASES OF EYE DISORDERS & 22 REPORTS OF BLINDNESS AFTER              COVID-19 VACCINATIONS ...... UK Governme...

Why I'm Deactivating My Facebook Account ( For Now )

            The Art of War was a book written eons ago that detailed all the different techniques of surprise and battle. How you can defeat an opponent whether or not you have a bigger or stronger force against them. Before you go into war, you must access your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. I have done that assessment in my book: "Awakening" ( ) , and have come up with a personal plan that I would suggest to anyone that considers themselves a patriot, voted for Trump, or clicked "like" and supported conservative views online. I am calling it " Strategic Retreat ". We must withdraw from centralized online sites, and retreat to smaller " decentralized " sites that allow free speech and do not work hand in hand with the corporate state. Strategic Retreat:          As I mentioned above, Strategic Retreat is when you purposefully, and on your own terms, temporarily remove yourself from a centralized so...