This topic is controversial because it goes against the main stream narrative. I will therefor stick to only using main stream sources, and the medical advice of licensed doctors & scientists. This will be the information they do not want you to know about. It is not going to be the usual information you are use to hearing. I want you to read it and view the videos with an open mind. Like your life depends on it, because it does.... What are Self Spreading Vaccines ???? The typical vaccines many of us grew up on gave you a little of what you were vaccinating against and your own natural immune system would be used to develop antibodies. This however, is NOT what the Covid-19 "vaccine" is. In fact it really should not be called a vaccine at all, and is only called a vaccine for marketing purposes, or darker purposes, which I have spoken on in my other blog posts. In their own manuals, the government and pharmaceutical scientists call it a "Self Spreading Vaccine...