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Showing posts from March, 2021

Their Final Solution

  From now on there are only two types of people in the world, the vaccinated, and the unvaccinated. This is all part of a global plan. The plan is an evil one, run by evil people, who want to control every aspect of the world. The world we knew, run with a physical dollar, is being changed to a world run with a digital dollar. A digital dollar controlled by a central authority. A corporate, technological authority that uses artificial intelligence ( AI ) internationally. This new digital world, controlled by a central, corrupt and criminal, authority, will use the AI system to monitor the world. Everything will be hooked into, monitored, and regulated by the AI system. Everything and everyone will be connected to it, including our bank accounts. Everyone will be given a score, that will be color coded. You will need to be a "good" citizen which will be signified by a green color pass, which will be needed for you to work, shop, and move about town. How will they get us to do...